Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


Kayaknya istirahat ngeblog dlu saya. capek haha

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010


Hari ini saya tidak kuliah karena tiba-tiba saat bangun pagi benar-benar tidak enak badan eh abis tidur bangun jam 9 ud sehat kembali aneh. Tapi saya sungguh ingat mimpi tadi malam dan ingin bercerita sedikit diblog curhat ini. 

Yang pasti saya bermimpi tentang sekitar kehidupan saya. Saya bermimpi soal "dia". tapi mungkin mimpi itu ga jauh beda dari kenyataan. Saya dan dia sangat jauh walaupun saya ingin mengenal dan tau lebih dalam dan dia ? mungkin tidak menyukai saya. Tapi saya tetap saya hanya memperhatikan dari jauh berharap yang terbaik.

" saya ingat dan selalu melakukan satu hal yang pernah ia suruh, yaitu tersenyum "

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

New page

Satu kalimat dari noni "Ga pernah ada salahnya buka lembaran baru, asal lembaran lama ditutup dan disimpan baik-baik"
 Satu kalimat yang bagus bagi kondisi sekarang saya. Saya merasa saat saya maju saya salah, dan saat saya mundur itu juga akan salah seperti maju ada jurang dan mundur ada perangkap. Tapi hidup tak bisa selalu melihat kebelakang kita harus berusaha melewati jurang itu.

P.S Thank's Noni for your support and your advice, i will not look back anymore. love you my very best friend.


haha saya ga tau harus ngepost apa tapi saya akhir-akhir ini senang ngepost kalimat atau pun kata yang bagus yang saya colong dari PM teman status fb or twitter temen. nasib ga bisa bahasa inggris xp hehe.. klo mau pke google translate byk yang slh haha jdi maaf yak kawan saya mengambil status, twitt , pm kalian xp hehe :D

Hope ?

Kita semua boleh kok berharap. Tetapi jangan pernah kita berharap lebih, berharaplah yang terbaik 

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010


oke saya salah, seharusnya saya berpikir jernih dulu baru ngepost :D


Salah satu pm yang ada dicontact saya dan saya baru tau artinya karena google translate (canda)
" When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show life that you've got a million reasons to smile"

On the 25th

Ada apa ditanggal itu ? yang pasti saya senang ditanggal itu :3
Sebuah kenangan yang indah haha 

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

My dream

I want to be with someone who I love and then driving around town in the middle of the night and show her how beautiful the city at night.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Waiting For Nothing !


Mungkin tolol tapi itu benar hampir tiap malam gw nunggu orang untuk online dan membalas wall gw


Pagi-pagi sebelum berangkat ke kampus gw pengen berbagi mimpi gw yang aneh malam kmren! Gile gw bermimpi yang dibilang oke banget! Bahagia deh tpi ada jg yang ga bahagia nya hehe gw bermimpi gw bisa dekat dengan seseorang yang mirip dengan noni!(Emang ada sih temenya joko yang mirip bgt)bener- bener dalam tuh mimpi mirip banget! cuma ada beberapa perbedaan! Hehe mungkin karena kemaren mikirin noni = =" tp gpp kemaren juga asik kok bareng noni! Haha ya ga ni? Makasih yah ud diajak2 :3

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

If i was ..

If i was born in a different time, a different place and if i was a litlle higher i might have been a good boyfriend for you.

Sebuah kutipan kalimat yang gw ambil dari sebuah permain game di PS1 dan sangat menyentuh haha :D

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Private Massage

Tadi gw melihat seorang contact di msn gw online dan gw melihat PM nya. dan gw kagum dgn pm dia. two thumbs up for my friend pm (Y)

i need 4 years to fall in love to you. but, you just need 30 second to break my love

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

A nice words

Girls are like stars. there are millions like them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true

Girls like an ocean, it is full of mystery, it is dangerous, it is powerfull, but it is also beautiful, it is also make you excited, and you have to dive into it to catch the heart, and when u dive into it, you have to be careful because you can died with its beauty.


Kata-Kata yang bagus gw dapat dari FB temen hehe

Last Time - Secondhand Serenade

I'm stuck with writing songs
Just to forget
What they really were about
And these words are bringing me so deeply insane
That I don't think I can take my way out

I couldn't breathe through it
Like I need to and the words don't mean a thing

So I'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two
Thinking of days spent without you
And there is nothing left to prove

I'm counting all the things I could have done
To make you see
That I wanted us to be what I go to sleep and dream of
I want you to know that I'd die for you
I'd die for you

I couldn't breathe through it
Like I need to and the words don't mean a thing

So I'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two
Thinking of the days spent without you
And there's nothing left to prove

And if you are alone
Make sure you're not lonely
'Cause if you are, I blame myself
For never being home
I know I'm not the only one
Who will treat you like they should
Like you deserve

I'm stuck with writing songs
Just to forget

So I'll sing this song to you
For the last time
And my heart is torn in two
Thinking of the days spent without you
And there's nothing left to prove

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Nelly Just A Dream

Just A Dream Lyrics

I was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
what we gunna be
open my eyes...
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

i was at the top
now its like i'm in the basement
number 1 spot
now shes finding a replacement
i swear now i cant take it
knowing somebodys got my baby

now you wait around, baby i cant think
i should put it down, shoulda got that ring
cuz i can still feel it in the air
see your pretty face
run my fingers through her hair

my love
my life
my shawty
my wife
she left me, i'm tight
cuz i knew that it just aint right

i was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
where we gunna be
open my eyes...
it was only just a dream
so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

and i be ridin
and i swear i see your face and every time
i try to get my usher on but i cant let it burn
and i just hope that she notice she the only one i yearn for
no more sooner will i learn

didn't give her all my love
i guess now i got my payback
now i'm in the club thinking all about my baby

she was so easy to love
but wait, i guess that love wasnt enough
i'm goin through it every time that i'm alone
now i'm wishing she would just pick up the phone
but she made a decision that she wanted to move on
cuz i was wrong

i was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
where we gunna be
open my eyes...
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

if you ever loved somebody put your hands up x2
and now theyre gone and you wish you could give them everything (x2)

i was thinkin about her
thinkin about me
thinkin about us
where we gunna be
open my eyes...
it was only just a dream

so i travel back down that road
wish you come back
no one knows
i realize, it was only just a dream

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Ngapain yah gw bikin blog ?

Sebenarnya gw juga masih bingung ngapain coba bikin blog, tapi kata banyak orang itu asik ? ayo coba kita buktikan. Gw memang ga hobi nulis2 , tapi ada banyak cerita yang ingin gw bagi mungkin. Maaf2 aja mungkin ini blog bakal banyak berisi curhat2an gw doang, karena mungkin gw butuh tempat curahan hati (cielah) dan mungkin gw akan isi blog ini dengan lagu2 yang gw suka.  

Semuanya hanya mimpi, yak memang ga ad yang lebih dari itu semua hanya mimpi. Dan gw ingin menggapai impian gw. Tetapi jangan pernah berharap lebih hanya berharap yang terbaik karena saat jatuh akan sangat menyedihkan.